HolisticHealth & SoulMindset Mentor

Let ́s create your High Energy Lifestyle

the soulful way

the new you unique EMPIRE

The holistic and energetic shift

to let your unique self blossom!

When you tap into your soul and create your health from it, it’s like leaving an old matrix behind and existing in a completely new universe.

It’s the symphony of your soul with your body.

My journey towards it was often accompanied by pain and considerable growth.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can delve deep within yourself in a way you’ve never known before, enabling real transformation.

No more complaints.

Instead, health and fulfillment on all levels, internally and externally.

The New You Unique Empire is my mentoring program for your intuitive and holistic fulfilled life.

Together, we create a sustainable foundation for your health, with transformation on various levels as our goal. At the beginning of our time together, we define your unique mentoring tools through an anamnesis session and tailor your personalized nutrition guide accordingly.

Completely based on your needs and desires.

Detoxing, relaxation tools, treatments, and life-changing 1:1 coaching sessions with me will make your healthy high-energy shift shine.


Does it resonate with you?

Wonderful, then write to me, and I promise you we will find a solution.

For sensitive women who yearn for more.

Let ́s create your High Energy Lifestyle

the soulful way

My vision

I have never experienced so many ‘A-ha’ moments as in the last 11 months.

They were just there. And… an unprecedented sense of ease.

As a former, sometimes scattered soul, who was affected by allergies and diagnoses, today I am the woman whom I didn’t even dare to believe could exist back then!

"Yes, I know that being able to enjoy a fulfilled, pain-free life can be challenging."

Today, I am a mentor for Holistic Health and a Soul Mindset Coach, guiding women online towards a healthy and fulfilled life, in alignment with their individual needs.

And let me tell you, it is also possible for you! Each of your transformations elevates you to new and wonderful dimensions of yourself.

You may wonder if there is an effective shortcut. NO, but there is a solid foundation and essential life-change tools that we both use royally in our shared 1:1 coaching sessions.

You and me

1:1 guidance is my passion.


An important goal of our 1:1 coaching is for you to become limitless and intuitive. Limitless and intuitive enough to confidently open yourself up, allowing healing to manifest effortlessly. FULFILLING – on all levels and as unique as you are. In addition, you will receive comprehensive mentoring tools that serve your health and fulfilling life. I will accompany you in a way that aligns with your needs.

How does that feel for you now? Write to me, and together we will develop a shared goal for your transformation.

Let ́s create your High Energy Lifestyle

the soulful way

Healthy is the New Spirit

Discover my book

"Healthy is the New Spirit"

and order directly online with free shipping from ~ BoD, Thalia, Amazon, and many other online bookstores. Available as a physical book and an e-book.

Healthy is the New Spirit

Well-being and a healthy life are based on a holistic approach. Sandra Gels is a beauty and nutrition coach. She focuses on wellness for the body and soul. With her passion for this, she supports people who are interested in a conscious lifestyle and desire more vitality, health, joy, and happiness. In her book, she imparts in-depth knowledge about the origins of illness and highlights the (…)

Let ́s create your High Energy Lifestyle

the soulful way

Transformation Stories

Take a sneak peek and read what my clients say

"A coach with a lot of heart and extensive knowledge. Sandra Gels has always supported me on my journey with great helpfulness, motivation, warmth, and joy. I have learned a lot from her and successfully implemented it in my everyday life. Thank you so much for everything!"

Tanya Germann

"A good coach not only inspires but also accompanies and supports clients in achieving sustainable results. Just a big thank you!"

Jessica Goller

"After many years of unsuccessful treatments for rheumatic complaints, Sandra Gels achieved almost 100% improvement within a year with her holistic approach. Despite initial skepticism about whether a dietary change alone could really alleviate or heal, I am extremely grateful to Sandra today and wish her all the best on her journey."

Jochen Becke

Begin your journey towards your

new sense of life!

Begin your journey towards your

new sense of life!

Energetic Mentoring & Holistic Health Coaching

Sandra Gels 2023. All rights reserved. Design by Energetic Branding